The Reggio Emilia approach inspires us to learn alongside our students, with curiosity and wonder.
What is the Reggio Emilia Philosophy?
Reggio refers to the philosophy of early childhood education that originated in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
This educational approach was founded by the visionary teacher and humanitarian, Loris Malaguzzi, after the devastation of World War II.

Children are naturally curious, intelligent and full of potential
This approach begins with a strong and optimistic view of children, believing that the child is born with infinite capability, creativity and intelligence.
Malaguzzi expresses the infinite ability of children through his poem “The Hundred Languages”.

Teachers are seen, not only as an instructor, but as a co-learner and collaborator
Teachers actively and mutually participate in the learning experience with the children, resulting in real enthusiasm and curiosity by everyone in the classroom.

The layout of the environment promotes relationships, collaboration, and exploration
Every space within our school has its own identity and purpose. Materials and furnishings are thoughtfully chosen and places to evoke interactions with people and with things.
Explore some of the unique features of our school

Art as a way to process information, explore ideas and express emotions
Each classroom has an art workshop (the atelier), where children explore a variety of materials and techniques with which they can express themselves.
At Tree Top Academy, every classroom has an atelier for children to use on a daily basis.
This video is a peak into some of our beautiful classroom Ateliers

Documentation of the learning
“Children become even more curious, interested, and confident as they contemplate the meaning of what they have achieved.”
— Loris Mallaguzzi
Documentation is a standard part of the classroom.Visual representations created by the children serve as resources for further exploration and are treated with respect.
See some examples of documentation of student work

A vital component of our school culture is family and parent involvement
Join the school Parent Teacher Organization
Stay connected through classroom communication pages
Volunteer to help your child’s classroom
Sign up to be a secret reader in your child's classroom
Take your child's classroom mascot home for the weekend and share the experience with the classroom through documentation
Participate in the monthly classroom family projects and presentations
Join our school-wide events such as our Halloween parade, family picnic and art auction.
Be an active participant of our charity events