We are a team of life-long learners
Our Professional Development
At Tree Top Academy, we value and invest in the professional development of our teachers. See how we create a culture of inspired educators
Here is a snapshot of our Professional Development from Reggio Emilia Conferences to Harvard Courses, we invest in the continuing development of our teachers.
CPR training
Palm Beach Day Academy School Visit
Outdoor Learning at Jonathan Dickenson Park
North American Reggio Emilia Alliance Conference
Conscious Discipline Conference
Bottega Child Development Center School
The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit in Miami
Harvard University Online Course
Public Waldorf Conference with Summer by the Sea Conscious Discipline - Book Study
Habits of Mind ColLABorate South Florida
Interrater Reliability Gold Training Loris Malaguzzi International Center in Reggio Emilia, Italy
Harvard University Online Course CLASS Training
Conscious Discipline - School Family
Florida Atlantic University - Project Training
Conscious Discipline Training -School Family Conscious Discipline
VPK Math Training
Conscious Discipline Training with Ginny Luther
Career Advising with Erica Lamb
Conscious Discipline - Conscious Crew
NAREA Conference
CPR Training
Tour of CalTech
Early Childhood STEM
Collaborate SF Mini Conference NAREA -
Math Strategies
ICOT International Conference on Thinking
Harvard - Daily Leadership to Promote Development and Buffer Stress
Conscious Discipline with Jenny Luther Mindfulness Techniques
Reggio and Outdoor Learning Learning and the Brain Conference Fairydust Learning Conference - Mindfulness for Students and Trauma
Florida Atlantic University - Project Approach
The Erickson Institute
Conscious Discipline
Saul Zantz Early Childhood Institute at Harvard University Harvard Graduate School of Education "Language, Behavior, and the Brain; Designing Effective Early Learning Environments and Experiences"
Food Handling Training
IDEOU - Storytelling for Influence Florida International University - Project Approach
L'Aelier School - The Culture of Creativity, Pedagogy and Life
Mounts Botanical Garden - Edible Gardening International
Visible Thinking Conference "Let's Play"
Conscious Discipline Training - Implementing Conscious Discipline in the COVID Era
Harvard University Conference - Language, Learning, and Environment
University of Florida Early Learning Florida - Organization Leadership, Project Approach, Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Let’s Play Fairydust - Play Based Learning Winter Conference
Forest & Nature - Outdoor Teaching
Nature Explore - Creating Nature Spaces
Florida Atlantic University - Project Training, Classroom Management
University of Florida - Pre-School Learning
Conscious Discipline - Managing Big Emotions, Power Struggles
Florida Fish & Wildlife - Project Wild
Early Learning Coalition - Get Set Learn, Flip Challenging Behavior
Ed Web - Making Learning Visible, Supporting Preschoolers, Comfort Zones
Harvard Certificate of Early Learning - Leadership Program
Conscious Discipline - 3 day Conference
Elevate SEL: Start Strong the First Six Weeks
University of Florida - Early Learning Program through The Lastinger Center
Trauma Informed Teaching
Feeling Buddies intro
Intro to CD
Nature conference
Feeling buddies
Mindfulness for Educators
Nutrition Education
Nature education
Get Set for School
University of Florida
Flamingo courses
CD conference in Kentucky
Adult Social Emotional Learning e - course
Reggio book study
CPR and First Aide Certification
FLAEYC Presentation - Jetpacks and Waterfalls: Mindfulness with Young Children
NAEYC Presentation - Making Thinking Visible
How We Reggio Conference
FAU Growth Mindset
FAU Teaching with the Brain in Mind
VT South Florida
How We Reggio Conference
Boulder ConferenceMindfulness Strategies for Teachers
FLAEYC Presentation
NAEYC Presentation
FAU STEM Workshop Unleashing Creativity with Green Screens
Digital Marketing Strategy & Web Fundamentals
Mindfulness Strategies for Teachers
North American Reggio Emilia Alliance Conference
The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit in Miami
Loris Malaguzzi International Center in Reggio Emilia, Italy
NAREA Conference
Reggio and Outdoor Learning
L'Aelier School - The Culture of Creativity, Pedagogy and Life
Conscious Discipline Conferences: Orlando, Kentucky
Conscious Discipline Training with Ginny Luther
Mindfulness for Students and Teacher with Melissa Gil
Conscious Discipline - Managing Big Emotions, Power Struggles
Elevate SEL: Start Strong the First Six Weeks
Conscious Discipline E-Course
Florida Atlantic University - Project Training
International University - Project Approach
University of Florida Early Learning Florida - Organization Leadership, Project Approach, Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Making Thinking Visible - Harvard University Online
Visible Thinking Conference "Let's Play"
Bottega Child Development Center School
Saul Zantz Early Childhood Institute at Harvard University
Harvard Graduate School of Education "Language, Behavior, and the Brain; Designing Effective Early
Harvard University Conference - Language, Learning, and Environment
University of Florida - Early Learning Program through The Lastinger Center
Outdoor Learning at Jonathan Dickenson Park
Early Childhood STEM
Public Waldorf Conference with Summer by the Sea
Reggio and Outdoor Learning
Mounts Botanical Garden - Edible Gardening International
Forest & Nature - Outdoor Teaching
Nature Explore - Creating Nature Spaces
Florida Fish & Wildlife - Project Wild